Press Release By: Mesum Raza Hemani (Founder), Dated: Sunday, 27th May 2023 @ SZABIST University, Media Auditorium, Karachi

The Karachi.AI quarterly summit took place on 27th May 2023 at Media Auditorium, SZABIST University, Karachi in collaboration with SZABIST Alumni, SZABIST Legal & Soul Brothers.
The event brought together experts from various industries to discuss the application of artificial intelligence in Education and Legal Tech. The event was hosted by Mr. Muhammad Tauqeer from Karachi AI and he welcomed all the participants with zeal and introduced the event and its theme, Artificial Intelligence, and provided an overview of the upcoming speakers and topics.

As ritual to begin with familiarity, He called in Karachi AI's Founder Mr. Mesum Raza Hemani to Introduce Community and it's initiatives for the New members of Community and distinguished guests to learn.
Seventeenth in the series and second event again onsite after COVID-19 Break, the event was initiated with the first talk to the audience about organization and its vision, and the importance of learning Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Skills. Under his excellence audience learned about the budding importance of Data Skills and cross domain innovation to put Pakistan in the winning lines. Mr. Mesum Raza Hemani also introduced audience with the organization’s activities, progress and performance.

The first topic was represented by Mr. Jibran Jamshad from Microsoft, Microsoft has recently invested in Open AI with a massive 10 Billion $ Pay check and this brings a lot of value which Mr. Jibran demonstrated with a video of Co-Pilot being infused in every MS products used in daily life. The audience was stunned to see the future before their eyes. He then progressed to share valuable use cases of AI in education and especially how MS is approaching Academic problems with AI and implementing Smart schools and revolutionizing teaching.

Following the likes of previous speaker, Mr. Jawwad Ahmed Shamsi, A renowned Academia professor and Ex-Director of FAST NUCES, discussed how his startup Syslab is contributing various use cases in AI for Education ranging from AI assisted teaching to AI Powered teaching such as KhanGPT. Mr. Jawwad stressed upon the new applications of AI such as Socratic or many others including but not limited to Generative AI being used to put in Virtual Teachers who can scale up to many as possible and provide quality education.

The last speaker of segment was Dr. Fahad Javed, Who is actively serving Motive AI as researcher and also had a privilege to be on HEC's panel. Mr. Fahad's talk was all around how AI is helping and taking away all the Administrative tasks such as Grading, Feedback, Research Grant classification and many more use cases. He also emphasized, importance for teachers to understand the changing dynamics of education and how they need to level coping to the expectations of the upcoming AI infused world where everyone has access to Generative AI.

As all speakers concluded for the section a small 10 minutes Applied AI Clinic was observed for Audience to ask questions from Speakers presenting the segment. A small break was announced for participants to energize for next segment. After a short break, the focus shifted to artificial intelligence in Legal Tech domain

The first talk of the second segment was opened by Mr. Muhammad Nabeel, Advocate and Engineer with a unique combination of background of LLB and Data Science. Starting his talk he explained the domain of Legal Informatics and how this sector is digitized during these days. Adding to conversation he uncovered the various Data sources available in legal space to leverage automation and data driven decisions. Some of popular use cases mentioned were Contract Management, Decision Support & Document Due Diligence.

Following him, Mr. S.M Ali Jafri, representing Jafri & Abidie Solicitors, discussed more advanced use cases of AI in Legal Tech. Mr. Jafri explained how AI is used in Contract Analysis to extract useful insights, Draft Contracts and automate the repetitive process in legal formatting along with valuable generative suggestion such as essential clauses, conflicts in draft. Mr. Jafri also acknowledge challenges in Enterprise environment to deal with several contracts and hence introduced AI based tools that can scale to process millions of legal contracts, advise on them and allow to maintain.

Finally, Mr. Mubariz Siddiqui who is a corporate Lawyer and practicing his knowledge with a lot of startups joined the stage to discuss the challenge and ethical aspects to consider when using AI in legal Tech space. Mr. Mubariz stress the principle of Design systems and how we should keep a Human centric approach in building application of AI in Legal tech space. His talk concluded with the bright future ahead with AI and the disruption of Legal tech space.

It was an honor to have Mr. Sajjad Hussain (HoD Data Science SZABIST) as guest of honor at the event. He delivered his closing remarks with nostalgic highlights of progress of technology from his childhood and how the upcoming world is shaping. He also stressed how new technologies such as ChatGPT & Generative AI have been disrupting many industries including the Education sector and stressed importance on gearing up teachers and students for the upcoming challenge.
In the end he appreciated Karachi AI’s effort of having this wonderful event. He appreciated the speakers with presenting souvenirs.

Following the event networking and snacks were served to engage audience in peer to peer networking. The event was also covered by various media outlets interested to showcase positive image of Pakistan in technology market.
Karachi.AI is a fellow chapter of City.AI a global community of Applied Artificial Intelligence practitioners situated in 6 Continents across 63 Cities of the World, organizing quarterly meetups and scheduled for next one in Sep 2023 to discuss latest trends in AI and learn experience from experts.
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